Lista de TDD en castellano!

Se acaba de crear una nueva lista sobre Test Driven Development en castellano: Muchas gracias a Jose Ramón Diaz por la iniciativa. Esperemos que los recursos en castellano sigan aumentando.

Run just a group of tests

Sometimes we (my team in our current project) have a single TestCase (class) holding tests for several SUTs (classes). That is not right as every class should have its own TestCase (It has to do with the fact that instantiating the tests to run them is a pain with...

TDD Efficacy and enemies

Part of this information has been got from the testdrivendevelopment group. The main enemy of TDD is…. the lazy developer. I’d rather say, the lazy programmer. It’s good to read that it is just not only me who thinks that laziness is the most...

Mocker passthrough

Another nice feature in mocker is passthrough. It is perfect when you want to ask if a given call was performed but  calling the real object rather than the mock so getting a real result. This is an example. def testRetrieveServicesList(self): dataSource =...