by Carlos Ble | May 8, 2014 | Test Driven Development
I’ve been watching and studying K. Beck’s video series on TDD this week. These screencasts are really good in my opinion, I am glad that Kent made them. I would like to see more of them. According to Amazon, I bought Kent’s book on TDD in January...
by Carlos Ble | May 6, 2014 | Test Driven Development
Today, Peter Kofler and I have been pairing over the Internet to do deliberate practice. To improve our coding skills. We have been working on the word wrap kata, to practise the Transformation Priority Premise, this time using JavaScript. We’ve checked-in the...
by Carlos Ble | Mar 27, 2014 | Agile, Retrospectivas, Test Driven Development
Last week was awesome, I went to Barcelona to run two training courses. Well, one of them was my yearly session at the Postgraduate on Agile Methods at La Salle (Universitat Ramon Llull). The first postgraduate in the world on Agile Methods. I explain eXtreme...
by Carlos Ble | Feb 24, 2014 | JavaScript, Software Development, Test Driven Development
Last week I was the teacher in the second edition of the IronHack, well for the last two days of the week. This time I’ve joined the group on their second week rather than the fifth. So I’ve been the one introducing unit tests. It’s been quite...
by Carlos Ble | Jan 27, 2014 | Agile, Clean code, Software Development
With good names for packages, classes, methods, variables,… code should be self-explanatory. Long method names are not a problem if they really make code read better and don’t reveal too much implementation details. Names are more powerful than most...
by Carlos Ble | Nov 28, 2013 | Retrospectivas, Software Development
I am one of the lecturers/mentors of the first IronHack edition, a training program for people who want to become professional developers. My part takes only three days and it’s been this week. Three full-day hands-on sessions on JavaScript, TDD and...