by Carlos Ble | Jan 21, 2015 | Agile, aida, BDD
Este post habla de dos de los valores de XP: Simplicidad y Feedback. Fundamentales y habitualmente olvidados. Cuando escribimos software o dibujamos una interfaz de usuario, estamos dando forma a una solución concreta de las muchas que puede tener un problema. Al...
by Carlos Ble | Jan 1, 2015 | aida, Retrospectivas, Software Development
Últimas horas del 31 de Diciembre de 2014. Para millones de personas es un día de celebración. Aproximádamente el 75% de la población cambia de año cada primero de enero siguiendo el calendario gregoriano, aunque solo unos pocos podemos hacer una fiesta. Para muchos...
by Carlos Ble | Dec 2, 2014 | aida, BDD, Software Development
This is the first of a series of posts on how our team is practicing BDD. These are mostly notes to myself and our team so other readers may not find enough context to understand the points. After a few weeks we have decided...
by Carlos Ble | Nov 30, 2014 | Clean code
The name of a method must have a higher level of abstraction than the body for the method to be worth it. The name should explain what the method does but not how. If the name communicates exactly the same than its code, it could be a sign that the method does not pay...
by Carlos Ble | Nov 17, 2014 | aida, Test Driven Development
Lately I am using fake objects more than the other common kinds of doubles – stubs, spies and mocks. This is quite recent, I used to prefer stubs, spies or mocks. I find that fakes make my tests less fragile in the case of outside-in development when it comes to...
by Carlos Ble | Oct 17, 2014 | JavaScript
Yesterday, Jenny Mulholland (from Softwire) and I & ran our workshop on JavaScript for Testers at the London Tester Gathering Workshops 2014, at Skills Matter. We had a nice group of participants with a wide range of kills and knowledge and we covered (roughly)...