by Carlos Ble | Sep 1, 2015 | Agile, Retrospectivas, Software Development
The 5th Socrates Conference in Germany has been my first continental Socrates Conference (I’ve been to UK twice plus another one in the Canaries). What a mind blowing unconference! I got even more value from Socrates than I expected! this has been the biggest in...
by Carlos Ble | Aug 12, 2015 | Clean code
There are many ways to work with collections. We are following Microsoft Guidelines for Collections plus some ideas that Kent Beck explains in Implementation Patterns. I’ve created a repository with code examples so that anyone can play with them. All the unit...
by Carlos Ble | Jul 28, 2015 | Software Development
Cualquiera que esté aprendiendo puede beneficiarse de tener un blog. En la profesión de desarrollador uno aprende constantemente por lo que tener un blog es imprescindible en mi opinión. Es importante que entiendas que estas escribiendo para tí, para tu...
by Carlos Ble | Jul 23, 2015 | Clean code, Test Driven Development, Testing
Among other qualities good tests should be easy to read, quick to understand. When the test requires complex data structures to be sent to the SUT or to be part of a stubbed answer, it takes longer to read. Moreover those structures use to evolve as the production...
by Carlos Ble | Jul 1, 2015 | Agile, Software Development
The title of this post is redundant, pair programming is already a productivity technique. That’s my understanding or pair programming not just two people sitting together. Two people may code together for learning or mentoring purposes, however we pair for...
by Carlos Ble | Jun 23, 2015 | Clean code, Software Development
The default generation of Equality members provided by Resharper let you choose three different implementations when overriding the “Equals” method in a class (Alt+Insert -> Equality Members): The default choice is “Exactly the same type as...