by Carlos Ble | Feb 7, 2013 | Agile, JavaScript
Last month I was in Madrid talking about best practices for JavaScript RIAs, in the monthly meetup organized by MadridJS. Here you have the slides: The talk was in Spanish. I expect to give this talk in upcoming conferencies, in English 🙂
by Carlos Ble | Jan 20, 2013 | Agile, Test Driven Development
Is there any difference in the implementation of Behavior Driven Development in the case of a Rich Client Application (or Rich Internet Application) ? BDD’s primary goal is communication. In that regard, there are no differences. However I see the...
by Carlos Ble | Jan 15, 2013 | JavaScript
jQuery UI draggable is so cool! However, if the draggable element (or any of its children) contains a scroll bar, clicking on it will result in the mouse pointer stuck on the whole draggable element forever. To avoid that, use the “cancel” option:...
by Carlos Ble | Jan 9, 2013 | Agile, Test Driven Development, Testing
This year I will tour Europe with my new workshop: Behavior Driven Development for Rich Internet Applications using JavaScript. Who is this workshop for? JavaScript developers. This is a workshop for those developers who already have some experience with TDD and...
by Carlos Ble | Nov 25, 2012 | Agile, Test Driven Development, Testing
Look at me. I am so exhausted and happy at home… because I come from Agile Testing Days 2012! (Postdam, Germany). One of the best conferences in the world for agile testers, managers and developers. It’s been my first time in this event. First of all, I...
by Carlos Ble | Oct 16, 2012 | Agile, Test Driven Development
Seguimos tomando mal los requisitos de las aplicaciones y entregando al usuario productos que le complican la vida en vez de facilitársela. Algunos motivos de que esto ocurra son: No sabemos tomar requisitos. Desconocemos lo suficiente el negocio. Infravaloramos el...