Best practices for JavaSript RIAs

Last month I was in Madrid talking about best practices for JavaScript RIAs, in the monthly meetup organized by MadridJS. Here you have the slides: The talk was in Spanish. I expect to give this talk in upcoming conferencies, in English 🙂

BDD applied to JavaScript RIAs

    Is there any difference in the implementation of Behavior Driven Development in the case of a Rich Client Application (or Rich Internet Application) ? BDD’s primary goal is communication. In that regard, there are no differences. However I see the...

The sticky scroll bar inside the draggable

jQuery UI draggable is so cool! However, if the draggable element (or any of its children) contains a scroll bar, clicking on it will result in the mouse pointer stuck on the whole draggable element forever. To avoid that, use the “cancel” option:...

El test del Office

Seguimos tomando mal los requisitos de las aplicaciones y entregando al usuario productos que le complican la vida en vez de facilitársela. Algunos motivos de que esto ocurra son: No sabemos tomar requisitos. Desconocemos lo suficiente el negocio. Infravaloramos el...