by Carlos Ble | Jun 21, 2011 | Test Driven Development
I am glad to announce the release 1.0 of pyDoubles, the test doubles framework for Python. pyDoubles has been completely developed using TDD. We have been very careful with its design and have been refactoring along the way to make as simple as possible and still...
by Carlos Ble | Jun 20, 2011 | Test Driven Development
No hemos impartido ningún curso de TDD en abierto en lo que va de año. En septiembre vamos a hacerlo con un estreno: El curso de TDD Avanzado. Un curso que hasta ahora no hemos impartido. Lo último de lo último. El siguiente paso para los que habíais cursado el curso...
by Carlos Ble | May 30, 2011 | Software Development, Test Driven Development
Hola! Me complace anunciar la primera release de pyDoubles, nuestro framework de tests doubles para Python. Como ninguno de los framewoks que estabamos usando me convencía realmente, empecé a programar uno yo mismo a modo de kata en un viaje de avión. Me enganchó...
by Carlos Ble | May 22, 2011 | Test Driven Development
TDD is also the process of evolving from concrete to generalized solutions. In the firsts steps you write code to build a simple behavior based on a simple example. The simpler, the better. As you go discovering more examples, the code evolves through refactoring to...
by Carlos Ble | May 13, 2011 | Test Driven Development
Hei! Thanks to the great XP2011 staff, I’ve been able to present our job in the event. I told to the nice audience, the methods we are currently using in our web development to test-drive everything that can be done. I recorded the sound but as I was moving...
by Carlos Ble | May 6, 2011 | Software Development, Test Driven Development
The prime factors kata, as described by Uncle Bob , contains deep lessons that can be learned by approaching it several times. Here you can see one of my solutions: Prime factors kata from Carlos Ble on Vimeo. The first time I solved the kata, it was very easy. I...